Long Ashton Orchestra has vacancies in the following sections:
- String players, particularly double bass.
- French Horn or other brass
- Bassoon
For all wind players, please contact Kevan Boll kboll.pers@gmail.com
For all string players, please contact Rachel Bowers rachelbowers456@gmail.com
You are welcome to come along to a rehearsal on a Tuesday evening 7.30-9.30 at Keedwell Church, Long Ashton. There is parking in the community centre car park opposite, or on road.
Once you are a member, there is an annual subscription of £150, which can be paid in instalments. Those experiencing financial hardship can discuss a discount. For potential brass players, it’s possible that you could pay a reduced fee to cover just the ‘brass heavy’ rehearsals. Young people under 18 are free. We never turn anyone away!